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Need a quick and easy way to generate a random number between a set range of numbers?
This code saves a lot of time and effort used in generating random numbers.

arc4random() gets a random floating point number(between 0 and 1) but how do I keep it in a specific range?

Random Integer:

-(int)randomIntegerBetween:(int)num1 andLargerInteger:(int)num2
    return (arc4random()%((num2-num1)+1)) + num1;

For example... [self randomIntegerBetween:5 andLargerInteger:8];
Could return... 5, 6, 7, or 8.


Random Float:

-(float)randomFloatBetween:(float)num1 andLargerFloat:(float)num2
    int startVal = num1*10000;
    int endVal = num2*10000;
    int randomValue = startVal + (arc4random() % (endVal - startVal));
    float a = randomValue;
    return (a / 10000.0);

For example... [self randomFloatBetween:5.5 andLargerInteger:8.8];
Could return... 5.5, 5.5681, 6.183, 7.8890, or 8.8 - and much more

This method can be toyed with.  It works the same as the integer generator, but converts the integer into a float at the end.  This gives you control over how many decimal places you would like.  For example, 10000 will return a float with 4 decimal places .xxxx.

The number of 0's will determine the amount of decimal places.